Increase pens – this is a real problem for anyone who by nature has a moderate size of the penis. How realistic is it today, the growth of the penis?

The penis
The penis or the penis is an external organ, which is part of the urinary system of the man. But to be more precise, then it belongs at the same time in the urinary and reproductive systems, as well, except that it serves for the removal of urine, he is actively involved in the contact, and ejaculation.
This instrument from ancient times, it was the main theme of pride and anxious relationship of every human being. Like hundreds of years ago, the dimensions are considered to be the main advantage of the representatives of the strong sex. Moderate dimensions – is a real disaster. Men resort to more complicated and laborious process for growth. However, how effective it is, and we will discuss with you in this article.
How to measure the length of the penis
Penis measurement is carried out when the instrument is in an excited state from the side of the pubic area up to the top of the head. During the measurement of the penis in erection is a state delay as long as possible. But in this case, you can only get approximate file sizes.
Penis enlargement methods
Today someone who is not satisfied with the dimensions of the penis, offers many methods that allow you to zoom in of the penis. But so is everyone all right?
Medical drugs for penis enlargement
The growth of the penis by the help of tablets, ointments, creams and syrups can be just about to mention that, as taking them just increases the flow of blood to this organ, but it in no way affects the reality of the change of the length of the.
Manufacturers shamelessly lied, when they claim that the drug will increase the size of his manhood, to do this you have to stimulate cell growth, which, unfortunately, is not impossible. Therefore, the growth of the penis by the help of miraculous tablets it is simply thought-out pr-speed and nothing more.
The penis can stretch
Mechanical stretching of the penis today, is the embodiment of the devices, which enlarge the penis. The manufacturers of these vessels support the action of the products by the fact that in many medical fields for the treatment of any external fault that is used is the method of mechanical action. However, weights may not ensure the growth of the penis. This is another myth that has nothing to do with the actual increase of manhood.
Water pump vacuum for penis enlargement
At first glance, the growth of the penis by using the pump, it seems reasonable enough. In this case, for the growth of the penis is used a special flask, which is placed manhood, and after it pumped the air. Due to the reduction of the pressure in the interior of the device web member substantially thicken, and stretched himself at length. But in fact such an adjustment, increase of penis, not only the teeth but also to be able to cause significant damage to this instrument, as it will lead to violation of the circulation of blood in this.
Surgery growth of the penis
In fact the only method that allows effectively to produce growth of the penis, to it is considered plastic surgery. Before surgery, the doctor will carefully study the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the institution and on the basis of the received data, it will produce surgery, is associated with an increase of your penis. In the postoperative period to restore the functionality of the instrument will be noticed immediately a three-physician: plastic surgeon, urologist, etc.
For many the growth of the penis – it's just an obsession, it has in fact nothing to do with the actual dimensions of the organ.